Docker-teknologia - Docker Technology

Kuvauksen kirjoitti: Yauheni Baikou, tunnus K8792

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Docker is an open source tool to build, test, and deploy applications. Docker uses operating-system-level virtualization. That means that Docker NOT emulate whole virtual operating system. Docker use containers to package up an application. Each container holds a whole app. Containers includes only the files that are required to run applications, such as libraries, system tools, codes, configuration files, and other necessary components. The meaning of containers simply that you will able easily create as many applications (containers) as you need, move them and run on other machine.


Docker was created by Docker. Inc in 2013 and primarily for Linux operating systems, but since time it got support on Microsoft Windows and MacOS.

Opposite virtualization technology tool:

Advantages of Docker:

Disadvantages of Docker:


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